Waldorf School Website

The website we created for the Honolulu Waldorf School replaced a static web site that was impossible for in-house staff to update. For this website makeover, we devised a system for updating content in several areas of the website by re-purposing the school Bulletin news items & calendar to add valuable seo content to the site.

When we first looked at upgrade options for the school’s existing website, we saw that the original non-dynamic site featured a javascript rollover link system had created a situation where it was impossible to add new links easily. The content was static and outdated because of this difficulty in working with the website files.

Various web page building software programs had been used to create site pages. As a result no school personnel or outside designer could effectively maintain the site.

We researched for a best fit system, and implemented a content management system suited to the schools’ requirements. We created a new clean and attractive page display that always let visitors know where they were and what other information was available on the site.

The upgraded site featured all the updated content from the flat-page site, with the the ability for office staff to update any content pages, an alumni forum, and an admissions form sending result to the schools’ registration system.

The site enjoyed a gradual boost in search engine ranking while we were hosting and maintaining the site content. We extracted content from communications the school was already producing via school emails & newsletters and adding selected parts of that content to the site as community news items.

Currently, the school is updating and hosting the site in-house, and we are no longer maintaining the site. We wish them continued success in the future


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