WordPress Grows Up

WordPress started as a blogging tool. As bloggers worked with it, they grew to love the way the Dashboard made the process of quickly adding new content easy and intuitive. Then over time WordPress became one of the most popular general purpose content management softwares in the world.

WordPress provides the same user experience for folks who just want to blog and also for users who want to do that, plus manage items such as their ecommerce and newsletter integration all in the same familiar Dashboard.

This growth has lead to issues, such as the conflicts between Plugins. Some of our time is now spent in tracking down, identifying and resolving these type of conflicts.

The reason for this is that WordPress Themes & Plugins have become more and more feature rich, as the development community plays catch-up with the function and features found on the popular (and more expensively developed) destinations on the web.

This has ratcheted the former simple blogging tool up to a level where website developers depend on continual interaction with Theme and Plugin developers about their products. We are believers in working with committed Premium developers, and in paying the small license costs involved for their continued support and updates.

Themes can add their own layer of design and function onto the WordPress core. Themes have become more complex due to users frustration with the “blog” look of the default WordPress site.

This look is something that did not much bother bloggers, but it is not desirable for presentation style websites.

The Dashboard tools for modern WordPress Premium Themes can give users much more control over presentation options.

All in all, it is a great time to revamp your web presence with a WordPress powered website!

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