I Do Social Media Posting, Do I Need a Website?

Many people that have their own website are also active on Twitter or Facebook.

(If you don’t have a website, you know who to call ;))

Sometimes they post on these services daily.

Meanwhile, their website languishes.

I am guilty of this myself sometimes, because I’m usually busy promoting my wonderful clients!

What’s Wrong With That?

Tom Stier

Tom Stier

There is nothing wrong with that.

In fact, it’s great that folks are getting comfortable with talking about themselves online.

Mostly great for Facebook and Twitter, however.

Every time you post on Facebook, they leverage your posts to further their efforts to monetize their service.

In other words, they are using you for their own ends. Helping you is not their priority.

But, hey, it’s so easy and fun to post a picture, a song you’re listening to, or a video.

That is until the video posting app makes a post ON YOUR BEHALF of a video that might be inappropriate.

That’s right, check the terms of service next time. They can do that.

But It’s Too Hard For Me To Update My Website

Most of the websites we build use WordPress. In our experience it has the most user friendly Dashboard of all open source website softwares.

Admittedly, Facebook has a state of the art, easy to understand interface for posting a link or photo. They have quite a team of programmers improving the site on a daily basis.

But WordPress is not too far behind. They just came out with an upgrade that makes it drag’n’drop easy to post a photo.

They also have a bunch of neat plugins that can create connections between your social media efforts and your own website.

Why Should I Keep My Website Updated?

The main reason you need to keep your own website maintained is that it is the one place on the internet where YOU can control the message .

You don’t have to post long laboriously researched articles, you don’t have to do it every day.

You just have to remember that it’s your home. It’s about you.

You aren’t competing for attention there. Just presenting.

8 thoughts on “I Do Social Media Posting, Do I Need a Website?

  • Hi Tom – this message speaks directly to me (although I have even softened on my Facebook posts lately). I may not have updated my website in a year. There were a lot of things which needed adjusting on my website. Send me a message. Let’s talk about what to do. Bernie

  • You nailed it Tom, I can relate as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this entry. 🙂

  • I’ve found that the best usually spend less time on their own and more time on others! It’s pretty bad when I talk to a high end design firm with a neglected website or brand. But that’s how it goes when you’re busy producing!

    On another note, just because people want to do it themselves, doesn’t mean they should! Sometimes it’s better to hire a professional because one person can’t know everything about everything!

  • Social media is definitely not going away any time soon. If anything, it should probably be increasing as more companies recognize the need to embrace the social/web community.

  • I usually do not drop a bunch of remarks, however i did some
    searching and wound up here I Do Social Media Posting, Do I Need a
    Website? | Tom Stier Web Development Web Promotion.
    And I actually do have a couple of questions for you if it’s allright. Is it only me or does it give the impression like some of these comments come across like they are written by brain dead people? 😛 And, if you are writing at other online social sites, I would like to follow everything new you have to post. Would you list of every one of all your social sites like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?

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